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Dog Trainer (Board and Train)

Dogs trained, humans learn to maintain

Certified through the premier dog training school in the world, I am here to help with all your dog training needs. Everything from basic obedience to dealing with massive aggression issues, I can help you get the very best from your dog. My primary focus is positive, with 1% corrections to teach the dog exactly what the owner wants. I train all ages from 8 weeks to adult dogs, it’s never too late for basic or advanced obedience. Owners come in once a week to learn how to maintain and grow with their dog. Additionally, I am certified in Foundation Dog ®️ as well and train and sell service dogs that also protect. Reach out and let’s get you the dog you have always dreamed about.


Contact Information

820, 33rd Street West, Bradenton, Manatee County, Florida, 34205, United States
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Open 24/7

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